Friday, March 21, 2014

What Makeup Means To Me

Hey guys, so this post is a little bit different to my usual ones, but I hope you enjoy it all the same.

Something that may seem a little surprising, is that I didn't start wearing makeup until I was 16 or 17. Of course, like most girls, I had played around with it a little, tried some things out, but I didn't start wearing makeup on a more full-time basis until around then. First I should explain that by "wearing makeup" I literally mean a bit of eyeliner and mascara. Even still, it's not all that often that I wear a full face, and I would consider eyeliner and mascara to be my everyday routine. The truth is, I'm blessed with relatively blemish-free skin, and I don't mind the way I look without foundation or concealer. So for me, makeup has never been a necessity, just something to play around with.

In the last year or so, my obsession (yes, I'd call it an obsession) has grown to almost unhealthy proportions, with much of my weekly pay checks going towards trying something new out, or buying the eyeshadow palette I've been eyeing off. But you know what? I don't mind so much, and here's why...

I love makeup. Now I know, I know, you'd argue that most girls do, but I mean I really love it. Some people are passionate about sports or music or politics, and I always thought that I was just a person without a passion, a girl who wasn't particularly interested in anything, but quite liked playing around with makeup, just like most girls do. It's only recently, now that I've started university, I've begun thinking about my end game and what I'd like to do with my life. The thing is, I'm passionate about makeup. It brings me a sort of joy and excitement, and I'm thinking about it constantly. I've realised that, I want to work with makeup, not as a makeup artist, I'm not even sure what I want to be, but I know it has to have something to do with the cosmetics industry or I'll never be happy with my job. 

For me, makeup is all about being who you want to be, and expressing that through how you do your makeup. In the morning, I sit down and I think "Who do you want to be today Georgia? Is today elegant, or grungy or retro?" and the beautiful thing about makeup, and probably my favourite thing about it, is that it doesn't matter who you are, or what you look like, you can still use and enjoy it. On the bad days, when I feel horribly huge and think that all of my clothes look terrible, you know what still fits perfectly? My makeup. You can never be too big or too small or too tall or short or just plain the wrong size, or too young or too old for makeup. You can't be too anything It's just one of those things that is universal.

You know what else? Makeup gives people strength. While my skin may have been incredibly kind to me, there are others that aren't as fortunate and rely on makeup to make themselves feel okay about the way they look. People may argue that they should be comfortable in their skin, and not feel the need to cover it up, but I'm just gonna say it, that's stupid. If someone wants to slap something on their face to make themselves feel beautiful, what's wrong with that? 

For me makeup is empowering. It helps me to be whoever I'd like, to enhance my natural features or create something different, and that's an incredibly powerful tool to have. Some people might dismiss this industry as vain, or demoralising, and yes, it can be, I believe there's a long way to come in terms of advertising and product design, however makeup isn't about telling women they need to be beautiful, it's about providing them the means to be whatever they want to be.


1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful! Its fantastic you're so passionate about it, when so many people don't have a passion at all. Keep at it
